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Class Tree Overview

Adepts are freaks of nature resulting from a massive convergence of energy corrupting humanoid bloodlines before recorded history. As time has passed, they've become much less common. Adepts are now widely feared and treated with prejudice. It is commonly missed that the same magic that courses through an adept's veins lies dormant in almost all humans and elves. Adepts are capable of interacting with elemental forces in their natural form, as opposed to the unnatural conjured magic of most magically gifted people. Because they are so rare, most adepts never have a teacher. Considering the advanced state of magical tutelage for those capable of conjured magic, many fear what adepts would be capable of if they banded together. Being capable of wielding Magic or Weapons depending on the class, Adepts specialize in low percentage activation skills.

Adept Class Tree Classes

Characters in the Adept Class Tree

Pages in category "Adepts"

The following 9 pages are in this category, out of 9 total.