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Ford grew up in Brookstead, Delia, where he attended the Brookstead Academy. The school and town are based on an ancient model of what many refer to as 'soldier farming'. Youth in Brookstead attend the academy and take up positions as Delian officers upon graduation. After their service is complete, they are granted an endowment of land in Brookstead to settle and raise the next generation of officers.

When Ford was still at the academy, his older brothers served in the Delia/Neullais border war. It was a brief but deadly conflict, one in which both of Ford's brothers died. He became increasingly frustrated with the paradigm he was stuck in. He honored his obligations, hoping to find a way to profit from his endeavors without returning to Brookstead.

In Ford's last year serving as an officer, he met a curious old man at a bar he frequented. Over the course of several hours and many drinks, they found a commonality - each wanted out of their situation. They hatched a plan to legally exchange Ford's endowment for the old man's ship. After they pulled it off, the loophole in Brookstead's contract that allowed for trading, if not sale, was immediately corrected. This made no difference to Ford, who happily sailed off on The Whale of Ale.

Over the last 8 years, Ford has forged a reputation as the greatest smuggler on Etlan. He's fended off so many pirate attacks that most privateers and opportunists know now to simply stay away. Ford would be the first to tell you that being a smuggler is 90% being a trader and 10% nerves of steel. Guards who he has tricked in the past often flip those percentages.

Ford has a soft spot for his niece, the only family he has left. The daughter of Ford's oldest brother, she was an orphan before her first birthday. Ford sends her enough money to live well without working, and his crew has come to understand that this is a large portion of what creates his coin-hungry tendencies.

In Gameplay

Base Stats

Lvl HP Str Mag Def For Dex Mas Spd Lck
Stalker 20 50 20 3 15 10 14 15 15 17
Thief 20 44 20 3 15 13 17 11 18 14
Duelist 20 54 20 3 24 8 15 20 13 15
Raider 20 52 25 3 18 13 10 10 15 11


HP Str Mag Def For Dex Mas Spd Lck
Personal 35% 45% 0% 40% 20% 20% 25% 25% 25%

Rogue 60% 65% 0% 55% 50% 55% 55% 50% 60%
Stalker 65% 70% 0% 55% 35% 50% 55% 55% 60%
Thief 45% 70% 0% 55% 45% 60% 40% 65% 50%
Duelist 80% 70% 0% 75% 30% 55% 70% 45% 55%
Raider 75% 90% 0% 65% 45% 35% 35% 55% 40%

Personal Skill - Sailor's Swerve: 8% chance to dodge, separate from regular combat dodge chance

