Chapter 15: Koeli-Sumash

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Chapter 15: Koeli-Sumash is a chapter in Dark Deity.


"Benji's always ready!" But are you ready for the spoilers contained in this section?

The relic retrieved from the Temple of Hleric soon explains that the Temple of Koeli-Sumash is in the Shimmering Mists. After 3 days, the party finally reaches the temple and prepares to undertake the trial. For the physical part of the trial, the party are given the unique challenge of facing off against shadow versions of themselves.

Once the shadows are defeated, the party must pick a representative to enter the inner sanctum with the relic. Irving is quickly chosen due to his ties with every party member and aptitude for leadership. Once Irving enters the inner sanctum, he communes with Koeli-Sumash, the god of the soul. After receiving philosophical insights, assurance of his party's trust, and a wealth of eternal aspects, Irving exits the inner sanctum with a renewed sense of determination.

Oh also Faust snuck on the ship in a barrel.

"End of spoilers."

Available Player Units

Enemy Units

This chapter is special in the sense that all enemy units are mirroring the player units brought into battle. For example, bringing a Level 25 Knight Irving into battle would result in a Level 25 Knight Irving appearing in the battle as an enemy.